My First Blog Post

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

This is the first post on my new blog. I've been contemplating starting this blog for years. But something always comes up. I never know what I should focus the blog on. Do I do it about my plus size life, my weight loss journey, my mom life? And then I just recently realized why do I need to focus on only 1 thing? I am more than just plus size. I am more than my weight loss journeys. I am more than a mom. So why can't talk about it all. Who says I can't. I realized, I was the one saying I can't. And this year in 2020, can't isn't in my vocabulary. If I want to do it and I envision it, my new mindset is how can I do it. My first step is actually taking action and making the first move. So, here I am. I am excited to share all my experiences with you and hear about your experience. Know you're not alone in your journey, I'm here too.


Launch Day


Here I am