Goals for This Year and Beyond
I'm the type that every year I make the cliche new years resolutions. And every year the same things are on my list: Lose weight, read more, travel more, sometimes a specific task. Looking back, I'm not understanding how I thought I would ever be successful. These are generic and not measurable. How did I expect to achieve these goals? Honestly, these weren't even goals, I had not real plan, they were just ideas or wishes. This year, I've decided to be more intentional with my goals. I wrote them down. I have developed plans, step by step. Easy to measure to see if I'm on track or not.
Goal 1: Read. Specifically read 20 books this year. That's a little over 1.5 books a month. I can do it (the measurable). I have a list of a few of the books I know I want to read but have left some open spots because maybe something later on will spark my interest. Most of my books are related to my other goals. Knowledge is power. And reading is knowledge.
Goal 2: Write. This started out as writing a book that I have talked about writing since my early 20s but quickly turned into also writing this blog. I'm trying to post everyday in this blog and also make time to write for my book idea. I have committed to writing for 1 hour every day, so that is my measurable. I've also already completed a children's book. So the writing is going great. I'm off to a good start and just need to work on consistency. So far, so good.
Goal 3: Travel. Okay I have a passion to travel. But really don't do it as much as I'd like. Mostly for financial reasons, not really having people to travel with. My excuses could go on, but, 2020, no excuses. I'm traveling. With or without people. Anxiety or not. It doesn't matter. I'm not letting any excuse stop me from see the beautiful world that God created for me to be apart of, I can't waste time. I'm not getting any younger. So, I have created 4 envelopes that I have hanging in my dining room so I can see them. I've labeled them with the travel destinations and have started putting money into each one. Then, to make it real, I booked AirBnB and train tickets for Toronto for my daughter and I. I just did it. And then I asked my boss if I could have a day off. Opps. Probably should have asked first. Good thing my boss is the best. I've been wanting to do a train trip to Toronto since before we went to Holland last year. So it was finally time to stop letting excuses get in my way. Next I wanted to a mommy and daughter beach vacation. So I started researching places that are good for solo mom with kids travel and I stumbled upon a group that does solo mom with kids tours and they're doing a tour this year in Costa Rica. I've talked about it briefly in a previous post. I'm waiting for more information to be released, but it's already on my calendar I have the deposit ready when it's time to book and I have money in my envelope. I've also started looking at airfare costs. And Devyn's father and I are going to the post office this weekend to get her passport. I have a couple other things lined up as well, just waiting to confirm a few things. So baby steps, in the right direction. (Measurable: # of trips booked currently 1, money saved for trips. I'd like to take it further and have a detailed budget of each trip so I know how much money to save, that is still in process).
Goal 4: Invest in myself. This year is about becoming the best version of myself. Committing. And just living the best possible life I can. So investing in myself is a given. I've decided to do that I would invest in going to some conferences this year. Business development, self development, and spiritual development. I have a few ideas on the ones I'd like to attend. I've already bought tickets to 2 of the 4 events I want to go to. The first one is happening this weekend and I'm excited. I know I have a lot of potential and there is more to me that even I know, so I'm hoping these conferences will help with some self discovery and confidence to embark on some new journey's and adventures. (measurable: # of events I want to attend 4, # I've actually bought 2)
What are your goals this year? How to plan to accomplish them? Plan them out, write them down. Put them where you can see them daily. I have a vision board that I created and have hanging in my bedroom. I see it every morning when I wake up. It really has helped. We can do this!