Embracing My Multi-Passionate Journey: Entrepreneurship, Self-Discovery, and the Future

Hey and welcome back to my blog! I'm Megan, and I'm thrilled to reconnect with you all. It's been a while since I last posted, and so much has happened in my life. I've have struggled in the past sticking to a single niche, as I have so many interests and some may have noticed that I seem to be all over the place with my content. I was able to identify myself as a multi-passionate and this helped me understand how to approach sharing going forward. You may know that I've been known to talk real estate, mental health, motherhood, business, travel, and empowerment.

Over the last couple years, I've been on a journey of self-discovery and growth. I lost my dad in 2022 and my mom in 2024. So it's been a worldwind to say the least. After the loss of my mom, I became more intentional and mindful, practicing meditation, manifesting, and breathwork. This journey has been incredibly liberating and has helped me set boundaries and focus on who I truly want to be.

I continue to feel a pull to share my experiences, insights, and future plans with people. The plan is to continue to do so, but instead of writing and sharing on different channels or pages, I will do all of it from one. Whether you're here for business tips, travel stories, or personal growth inspiration and empowerment, I hope you'll find something valuable. Follow me on this journey, and watch as I explore the many facets of being multi-passionate and living authentically.

Let's Talk Being a Multi-Passionate

I had never heard of this term before, but hearing about it for the first time on Tik Tok, it resonated with me so much. In a business and social media world telling you picking one specific niche is a requirement, it's hard not to feel defeated when I have many interests that how could I possible choose only one!? When someone asks me what do I do, I freak out, what do I say? What do I lead with? Do I tell them I'm a licensed real estate agent? No, because I don't pursue residental real estate for the purpose of helping others find their homes. Do I tell them I'm a travel advisor? Or that I've coordinated retreats? No because I also don't pursue that either. My interests in these areas a selfish in nature. Oh, I can tell them I'm a childrens book author. Eh, no, my book isn't in circulation anymore (although I do have another in the works -- so stay tuned). That's not it. Then I think of the several business acquisitions I've pursued. I've done research and due diligence to acquire a Truck Driving Training School -- it didn't work out. Then I pursued acquisition of an established Travel Agency with 3 locations, it was an amazing opportunity -- also didn't work out. And very recent, another business opportunity but there were multiple interested and one was an all cash sale, and I couldn't compete with that. That's too much to tell someone -- how do I even explain that. At this point I'm overwelmed from overthinking and revert to telling them about my W2 job, "I work in the Automotive Industry". The facts are. I am a licensed real estate agent, I am a certified travel advisor, I have curated amazing trips, I've wrote a childrens book, 2 actually, and I'm currently writing a romance novel and a dating memior. I don't fit into the typical box and you know what? That is OKAY! I've done all of this and I have plans to do more!

What does being multi-passionate mean exactly? Well, just as the name suggests, it means having more than one passion, interest, or talent. You're into more than just one thing. Hearing so much that in order to be successful you have to niche down, basically stuffing yourself in a box, it can really impact your mindset, making it even more difficult to take action to conquer your goals. For some, a niche is great, and there is nothing wrong with that. For others though, it can be a death sentence. But just having the knowledge that there is another path and option, helps in understanding. Once you have this knowledge you can really begin to determine what multi-passionate means for you, how that looks in your life, in your business. You can begin to understand yourself a little better and not feel so defeated and you can make a plan to encompass all your passions. It's never been that I couldn't stick to one topic because of my attention or because something was too hard. There's an obvious method to my maddness, but my interests although they vary, I come back to those same interests everytime. Now I understand that I don't have to limit myself to only one until I burn out, I can embrace all of them, and it can be sustainable. For me, multi-passionate means being able to be authentic with things in which I'm interesested.

My Entrepreneurial Journey

Real Estate

Let's talk real estate. I've been a licensed agent since 2018. It was something I wanted to do for long while and I finally took the required classes and then the exam, and passed. At this point in my life I was attending real estate investing networking events. I was very much interested in real estate investing and wholesaling. I was really into it too. I went to events, listened to all the podcasts, my favorites being Bigger Pockets and Renegade Detroit. At the time, I set up a website, registered a google voice phone number, had did the whole 'driving for dollars' -- where you drive around good locations and look for the least desireable home in the best area. Something that potentially could be renovated into a rental property (buy and hold) or just a flip (buy, renovate, sell). I had researched all types of creative financing options. Because of course I want to use other peoples money to make purchases. I had of course even taken a few clients to view homes, the normal real estate agent duties. But, as a mom, I needed to bring my daughter to showings. I worked a full-time 9-5 job and having her in care after that wasn't convient or something I wanted to do, missing out on more time with her. So, I focused on close friends and family. Who were completely fine with me bringing her and letting her explore their potential new homes. I've never really marketed myself as an agent because of this, but also, I really am intersted in the investment side of real estate more than the residential buying and selling. I definitely see real estate investing in my future, I'd love to own an apartment complex, multi-family units, and potentially a mobile home park one day. And being a licensed agent and having the tools and resources still at my disposal, will definitely be beneficial when I make my move.


I'll never get tired of travel. I honestly love everything about it. I still am a travel agent, but my clients are those who prefer curated trips. Not an all-inclusive trip to the Caribbean. Which, of course I can plan and book, but it's not as fun. I enjoy the researching of the destination, finding the hidden gems, I will follow content creators to find out what they did and what they liked. I will find locals to see the real side of the destination. Don't get me wrong, I love a good vacation. All-inclusive, I don't need to think about anything, book in one hand, and a cocktail in the other, on the beach, by the pool. I love it! But, I also love meeting locals and learning the culture. I want to try their authentic food (the food at all-inclusives is not that). I want to see different things and have different experiences. There is a difference between a vacation and traveling or a trip. A vacation is a getway, lots of rest, relax, maybe doing a few things, but very light and chill. Traveling or a trip is more. It's heavy on experiences, adventure, immersion into the culture. There is a time and place for both types and in my opinon, both are very necessary. My plan with travel, continue to book travel, but in a more curated way. I'd love to continue with curating family retreats. After our vacation to Mexico last year with my sister, niece, nephew, my daughter, and myself. I really see the importance of travel. It was my niece and nephews first international trip and I loved being part of that experience for them. I would love to continue the summer vacation/trip tradition with them. I'd love to add friends and family to the group so more kids could have great experiences. These types of curated experiences might have to wait some time, as I am prioritizing some other things first. But the thought and desire is still there and it's strong. I didn't travel much when I was young, and I just want all the travel experiences, meeting new kids, learning their culture, and all things associated with kids and travel -- I want those experiences for the my daughter, my nieces, nephew -- all kids really.


Some of you may remember I published a childrens book on Amazon a few years ago. "Mommy, Can I Touch the Moon?" was inspired by my daughter when she was about 3 years old. She loved seeing the moon and would always ask if she could touch the moon. I shrugged it off, telling her it's too far, she can reach it. Of course she would stretch out her little hand and try anyway. She would continue to ask though. After a few times, I finally remember thinking, of course she could touch the moon. I was thinking of in a literal sense, she couldn't touch the moon from sitting in her car seat. But, if touching the moon is what she really wanted to do. She could do it! She would need to be an astronaut and venture off into space, but it is a real possible thing that she could persue and do if she would like. She wanted to be an astronaut, ballerina, firefighter for a long while after these conversations. All still very possible, of course. After I published it, it wasn't perfect -- of course it wasn't. It was my first time doing anything like this, I had no idea what I was doing, I followed intructions on how to publish using Amazon, but wasn't as clear as I should have been, and therefore the book didn't turn out how I wanted. Which led me to not really promoting it and honestly, since I originally published it, I don't really talk much about it. I somewhat gave up and said it wasn't for me. Fast forward a few years later, I did a mother-daughter trip to Morocco, which was beyond amazing. I don't remember exactly, but I remember my daughter, Devyn, mentioning writing a book about our trip. So I did. I wrote the book. The words are the easy part and I am very proud of this writing content. But then, it was time to find an illustrator. My last experience I used someone from Fiverr and it wasn't the experience I wanted it to be, so I think that held me back a bit. So I put it off for awhile. But then I found out that a girl that I work with is an artist. She had painted a very large, beautiful mural in our facility. Me being the most un-artistic person and knowing nothing about different styles or modes of art, that translated to me that she could potentially illustrate my childrens book. I hadn't been particularly close to her at this time, so of course now I had to talk to her about her art and if she could do digital art work. She let me know that she didn't have much experience with the digital aspect, but she was interested. So we gave it a shot. I'm glad she took a chance, because she finished the illustrations and I am thrilled that we're in the final editing of the book, which will be released soon! I'm glad I decided not to give up on myself and to get back out there and do better this time. I got more clarity on what didn't go as planned the first time around and made sure that those things were much better this time. I'm expecting my authors copy any day now so I can make sure it looks as it should printed and then we will officially publish. So stay tuned!

Did you also know that I've been writing a dating book? It's been in the making for over 15 years at this point. It started in my 20s when I was big into online dating and my and my best friend, who I worked with at the time would come in and share our dating stories, or castastrophes in my case. Eventually several of the girls at work said I needed to write a book about all my dating horror stories. Of course it started out as more like a joke, but over the years I've taken meticulous notes on all the dates I've been on. I've finally gotten a lot of the book written, I have a lot of stories, my thoughts, experiences, what I think went wrong, redirection, and all about falling in love. I am just about ready to start with editing the book. Making sure the stories are in the best order, that the experiences and ideas are clear so that the reader can connect with the content, and all that good stuff. Finishing this book has been on my New Years Resolutions or Vision Board for the last 6 years. This year, 2025, was the first year that I didn't put it on there. Almost giving up on pushing myself to do it. But honestly, it may have been the push I've needed because I've read through it and added some content to the book more in the last month and half than I had for multiple years combined. So fingers crossed, prayers, and all the good vibes for me, please. In addition to my dating based on a true story, I also have several romance novels in various stages of work. I have a lot that are just high level ideas and story lines or I have ideas of the characters but not the story. But a few are very developed with story lines, highly developed characters, plots, spice, all the things but just need more attention. For this I plan to hire a writing coach, to help me with focus and direction. Tying back to being a multi-passionate, it causes me to bounce around a bit especially if I don't have clear direction. (I'm sure I'm not the only one!) It's something I'm very much aware of and am working on and continue to be consistent with.

Other writings -- I've had a journal since I was young. I've always loved writing. I remember in 8th or 9th grade, I wrote what I would consider an entire screen play. By hand on loose leaf paper. I wrote the story, I had the reactions, how people would walk into room, when there were moments of silence, what the characters were doing. I casted the movie, of course I was the leading actress and Leonardo DiCaprio was the leading man, because at like 13 I was convinced we would marry. **laughing hysterically** I retired from screen play writing, I'd like to think I've moved on to books now and although I do journal occassionally, I have over the hears, used this blog as a journal. Although most of my entries have never been posted, beacause I get side tracked and don't finish or I do finish, but I'm not fond of editing. But now, with the AI technology we have. I think blogging more might be in my future and just use AI to edit. I'm not sure my thoughts on it yet. I don't mind AI going through my writing to ensure it's cohesive, I'm using the right words, and everything makes sense. But we will see, I might try it and see how they do. Some of the AI I've used is pretty impressive, although I haven't used many writing or editing tools, yet.


I lost my mom back at the end of the summer. It was unexpected and losing her really made me thing about life and how short it is. I went into a phase of isolation, but not necessarily in a bad way, more in line with discovering myself, being more intentional with thoughts, and being mindful of how I spend my energy. I spent a lot of this time with my thoughts. Digging deep and really understanding what I wanted out of life. Not the things that I thought I wanted because that's what society or friends and family said or expected of me. But, what I wanted, for myself. I thought I wanted all these things and I had ideas of what would make me successful and how success looked. Honestly, most of my idea of success and how I want to live my life has changed, drastically. Coming from a low-income family, I think that I put a lot of emphasis on materialistic things being a sign of success. Like if you had the fridge with the water and ice, you were rich, if you had a garage rich, if it was a 2 car garage and it was attached to your house... super rich. Even as a young adult, having a big house meant you were rich, if you drove a new car or a certain car brand you were rich, name brand clothes all the time, you were rich. But as an older, more wise adult, there are many out here with big houses, multiple fancy cars, wearing all the designer names and I know that really they're not rich at all. A lot are in debt over their heads, maybe living paycheck to paycheck, and if they're really focused on material things they're lacking something in their lives, love, maybe connection, health, time. That's when I decided, sure I want to be rich. I want to be rich in experiences for myself and my daughter. I want our bond to flourish and grow. I want to be rich in time freedom. I want to have morning starts that don't require an alarm clock blaring into my ear, I want slow mornings, with coffee or tea. I want richness in health. I want to love and care for my body and take care of it because I've neglected it in the past.

So over these months, I've been intentional and mindful with all aspects of my life. Intentional with my thoughts, what I allow myself to consume physically and mentally, intentional with how I spend my time and energy. It's been quite healing. I meditate now. It hasn't been something that really worked for me in the past. Being too quiet with my own thoughts, pass. But now, it's relaxing and healing. Meditation and breathwork have really helped me learn myself better, be more intune with myself mentally and physically.

Practicing intention and where I want to put my energy and time has led me to build up boundaries. This isn't something that I would have considered that I lacked, but it definitely was. In all areas of life. I found myself lacking boundaries at work, with my daughter, with friends, family, colleagues. Even with myself. Really understanding what I wanted made it easier to be intentional and place boundaries up, to protect myself. Sometimes that looks like being firm and not giving into my daughter, even though I just want her to be happy, always. It looks like telling family no, I can't make it to a family dinner. Telling friends that I don't want to do something. Or telling a colleage you're not available to help with something at that time. Really understanding that boundaries are mine. I cannot control what others do, say, or how they act. But I can control how I react. If continue to allow, they will continue to persue. But if I put a boundary up and express that boundary, then I also need to be able to follow through on that. Sometimes, for me most times, that is the hardest part. If I am unable to do something and I express that a telling someone 'no', when in the past it's been easier to say yes, but really who is it easier for? I've decided I don't need to make myself uncomfortable to make things comfortable for others. That's not fair to me. With my daughter is where I struggle the most, but then I think, if I give in and let her do whatever she wants, she's also not learning boundaries or consequenses. I've watched over the months as she's tested me, because in the past I've been the type of mom to give in and let her do things or not do things. But now, she's seeing that I'm not backing down, and that structure from me is also building structure she needs within herself.

Another part of my self-discovery journey is learning that I'm not quite the introvert that I thought I was. I've been to plenty of events and met plenty of people, but often have found social gatherings quite draining for me. I just passed it off as me being an introvert. But this year, I'd decided that I was going to intentionally network more. I've been going to business meetups, mom club events, women empowerments workshops, and of course trying to mingle with people on social media more. One event I went to was a mix of all of the above, moms, entreprenuers, and empowerment. I really met some amazing people there and felt very motivated and encouraged to step out and take risks. Take the next step, do it scared, do it even with doubts, just do it. There were many women there doing things with challenges that I couldn't even fathom, which made my struggles seem small and insignificant. I'm not invalidating my feelings (or anyone elses, struggles aren't a competition) but it did put things into perspective for me. If I want it bad enough... I will make it happen. The goal is the goal, that doesn't change, but the path to getting there might need a detour, might be some bumps in the road, but no doubt I'm getting there.

My Future & Goals

So what does my future look like? Better question, what do I want my future to look like? I will continue to be a licensed real estate agent, I'm investing in real estate, I enjoy looking at commercial real estate, and I'm still on bizbuysell, shopping for my next potential business acquisition. I am still continuing my travel adventures. Whether that's solo, girls trips, me and Devyn, or family trips. Those are all happening. I have many kid friendly family retreat ideas, where people can travel together and share experiences. To ensure that I'm staying engaged in community and giving and receiving inspiration and empowerment that I want, I am continuing to network. I even have an event that I'm hosting. I need a check in on how my 2025 goals. I need some accountability on what they are, where I'm at in achieving them, if they really align, and to discuss any challenges I'm facing. I need to do this with other like minded, goal-oriented women. I wasn't able to find an event like this, so I'm going to host one. Details will be released soon! In addition to the networking and events, something else has been on my mind a lot, a podcast. I don't know exactly what that looks like, but its something I'd like to dig into more and see where it goes. My biggest goal of 2025 though, is consistency. I want to be more consistent and to accomplish this, I'm better with personal planning, tasks, and routines.

Lot's More Ahead for 2025

If you've made it this far, thank you! I hope you enjoyed my story and thoughts. I'd love to hear feedback on my blog, what you like, what you'd like to have me write more about, and of course if you have ideas for podcast topics, I'd love to hear those as well. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, it really means a lot. I hope you follow for more of my content.


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Morocco in March