Curly Hair Don't Care

Being a mom is hard. If you know me personally, you know that I've been rocking a mom bun well before I was a mom. So being a mom with a little girl is a challenge. Then add that her hair is different than mine and challenge isn't the word for it anymore. For me, I wash and put it in a bun. If I want to be fancy, maybe I use a little mousse to enhance my waves. But that's about as fancy as I get. When Devyn turned 1, her little girls started showing. It was easy at 1st. I used some coconut oil to keep it moisturized and put a headband on her. At about 1 1/2, the coconut oil wasn't cutting it. It dried her hair out even more and made her hair look frizzy. So, I started investing in hair products. I knew taking care of her hair would be different than my own. So I had to learn about taking care of curly hair. I've bought so many products, have read numerous articles, and watched plenty of YouTube videos.

The current method I use is the LOC method. (Liquid, Oil, Cream) This has been working for her hair. First I wet her hair, either out of the bath or I use water to spray her hair. Once her hair is wet, I use an oil. I've used some expensive oils and I've used some cheap oils that I've been able to get from Walmart. I've listed 2 of my favorites below. Then I add a cream, I use more than you would think you would need. Her hair really needs a lot of moisture. Especially in these Michigan winters. I also use Deva Curl for hair wash days. We wash her hair 2x a week with Deva Curl No poo wash and conditioner. I use Herbal Essence Hello Hydration on co-wash days. For those of you who don't know, co-wash is a conditioner only wash. No shampoo. Devyn's hair is too dry to wash daily. But we co-wash when we don't use shampoo. This method has worked really good with her hair. I feel like I've been through sooooo many different products and still trying more.

Here are some of the products I've used and really like:

Liquids: Cantu Care for Kids Conditioning Detangler, 6 Fl Oz ; Curly Kids Super Detangling Spray, 6.0 oz (Pack of 3)

Oils: Curls Bliss Hair Growth Oil, Blueberry, 4 oz. ; Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Black Castor Oil PET Bottle (8 ounce)

Creams: Aunt Jackie's Girls Baby Girl Curls, Curling and Twisting Custard, Great for Naturally Curly Hair, 15 Ounce Jar ; SheaMoisture Marshmallow Root & Blueberries Kids 2-in-1 Detangling Leave-in Conditioner, 8 fl oz

Deva Curl products, expensive, but I use the No-Poo and Conditioner for her wash days: Devacurl No-Poo Original 12oz + One Condition 12oz Combo


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