
What type of mother are you? I personally believe that motherhood is a very personal and unique experience between mother and child. Not all moms are created equal. Not all moms feel the same. I also believe that, it's okay not to feel the same as other moms. It doesn't make you less of a mom or make you a bad mom. Some women are what I call a die hard mom, they want to be with their children all the time. They are stay at home or work from home moms. They're sad thinking about sending their kids to school. (FYI this is not me). Then there are the moms who need time to themselves, to decompress. Or they need adult time, time away from their kids. They're okay sending their kids to daycare or school and working out of the home (This... 100% is me). (I should note, of course there is research to be done on daycare/school because leaving your kid with someone else is always hard at first). Some mom's limit screen time, turn the tv on and let it play all day. Some mothers dedicate their whole lives to their children and life in the household revolves around the children. Some moms fit their child around the life they already have. None of these are bad. In fact, all these types of women are amazing. You are an amazing Mom! Remember that!

There are no right or wrong answers to motherhood. It is what works best for you, the parent. The child comes into your life and you need to teach them how to be apart of your life and of course you have to make your own adjustments because children have needs and as the parent you're responsible. But there is not just one path to raising a wonderful child. We're all different. We do things different. Our children are different. My child does things differently than yours. It's so hard as a mother to not compare your journey to others. This is a common struggle in many areas of life, not just mother/parenthood. It just makes it that much more true. Motherhood is a beautiful journey, don't focus on others, don't compete with others. Be your own competition. Be the best that you can be! You are not better or lesser than any other mother out there. We are all great in our own ways. Highlight your strengths, find a mom friend who has different strengths than you and expose your child to different people who do things differently. Watch them pick up on how others do things and watch them blossom into the beautiful little beings they are. Because as they say, it takes a village. So surround yourself with positive people. Not only will it enrich your child's life, it will have and impact on yours too.

We as women need to start helping each other, uplifting each other, not judging each other. It's hard. I know. We're all guilty of it. Myself included. Next time you see a mom doing or saying something that you don't agree with, don't judge her. You don't know what her journey is, instead, take a moment to let her know that she's a great mom. Make her day. You will never know what kind of impact that will have on a person.


It's Been a While...


Staying Committed