Staying Committed

Writing has seemed like a chore the last few days week... But I committed to this. And although my motivation to continue to write has died out. I committed and I am honoring that commitment. Here is me learning to stay committed when every other year of my life, I was part of the common statistic, letting my goals or New Year Resolution die out by February. I know I'm not the only one who experiences this die down of motivation to achieve goals and plans we created for the new year. But, I'm really trying to understand why. How can all the excitement and motivation I had just a few weeks ago about accomplishing all these goals be gone already? If I identify why, maybe I can address it and make changes.

I started researching, why people fail on achieving their resolutions or goals. I've usually done the goals that are too vague, but this year I was specific, so that's not it. I broke down my goals into smaller obtainable goals to reach the bigger goal, so my goals aren't too big, that's not it. What is my Why? Why have I created these goals? Why do I want to achieve them? What's in it for me? This is it. There needs to be a good reason behind my goals to keep me going. Not just because I want to, that's really not strong enough to hold. Because as soon as I don't want to, it's over. So I've taken the last few days to really understand why I want to accomplish the goals I set for myself this year.

First, I started with the word I chose for 2020, COMMITTED. And this why is easy. Because I know that I have commitment issues. I tend to over commit to things... Goals, projects, to do lists, and I under deliver. I don't really stay committed to seeing these to the end or completion. I do it until I'm no longer interested and then it just gets pushed to the back burner. But this is not how I want to live. I surely don't want this to be the example I set for my daughter. I need to persevere through these rough times, when I loose interest, no longer motivated, or just don't want to do it.

My why for reading: Should be pretty self explanatory, but maybe my stubborn, hard headed self needs to see this written out. READING IS KNOWLEDGE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The more I read, the more ideas I have. The more ideas, the more excited I get to put these ideas in action. I've actually been doing well with the reading, but I do get in spurts where I'll read, I'll listen to audio books, or podcasts for a weeks or months, and then boom, I don't want to read or listen to books or podcasts anymore. I will be more intentional with this. If it should happen, that I'm not feeling like reading anymore, maybe it's b

My why for writing: This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. Writing helps me get my thoughts out. Even if my thoughts are a little chaotic, it helps. I've journaled as a teen and even well into adulthood. I honestly thought, this would be easier than it is turning out to be. Really no valid explanation though. To be fair to myself. I have written over the last week, not as consistent as I wanted to be, but I've taken down some ideas of topics I'd like to talk about. I have even started writing about those topics. But, I'm just not finishing my thoughts on the topics. And I quickly move on to another topic and never finish. Maybe a little Adult ADD going on. But I need to focus. Because I have lots to say.

My why for investing in myself: If I don't, who will. I need to work on making myself a priority. Better mental clarity, health, and just feeling better about myself and life in general. I have to take care of me so I can take care of others, including my daughter. I can't pour from an empty cup. I also know the potential I have. Although I may struggle with my purpose, my passion, what God has put me on this earth to do. I know that it's great and I'm not going to achieve it or uncover it by not doing anything. So investing in myself, learning more, tapping into the creative part of me I believe will help me find my purpose.

While writing this. I've realized that, I can't really count on being motivated. Because that fades. It's really about making the decision to do what I planned to do and just doing it. I need to stop making excuses. Accomplishing these goals are purely up to me. My success this year is in my hands. I have to the tools. I have the means. I have what it takes. No excuses. This is the year. I'm making s#!t happen!




Costa Rica with a Toddler